Jun 2Liked by Matt A Mayer

Excellent article. Agree with you wholeheartedly. Our republican reps are too laid back and are not fighting nearly hard enough. They should never ever vote for anything proposed by the Democrats. I’m really disgusted

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Jun 2Liked by Matt A Mayer

Very well said......Thank you.....What is the process for those that ignore a subpoena. Recently Bannon and Navarro have been sentenced to jail time. My question to those supporting Jordan is why Democrats are not charged with contempt? Jordan even ignored a subpoena. Do they have an agreement? Very confusing which is how they want to keep us I guess. Will be interesting to see what happens with Bragg.

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Our side keeps blinking when it comes to contempt charges. Plus, like under Obama, Republicans are reliant upon a Democrat DOJ to prosecute contempt cases, which they only do against Republicans like Navarro and Bannon.

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So a contempt charge depends on the DOJ to be enforced?

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I researched & found the answer....one has to wonder why Navarro is now spending time in jail....couldn't the Republican controlled House have stopped that

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I just read Dr. Laurence Peter's 'The Peter Pyramid'. Written in 1986, he explains how, as organizations become larger and more top-heavy, they stop being about the 'customer' and start being about the 'system'. All the levels of the hierarchy create more and more regulations, rules, guidelines, forms etc... until the folks in the organization are focused solely on the system. Persons outside the 'system' (citizens in this case) become the enemy because they become a wrench in the system. It is clear to me now that the federal bureaucracy, the media, and both political parties have merged into one large system. They are all focused on the 'system'. This is why newly elected individuals are either swallowed up into the system, or labeled as radical troublemakers. It is why the Republicans are unwilling to fight for us... they are too busy fighting to preserve the system. A system which now exists solely to sustain itself. Dr. Peter's pyramid places it upside down with the tip being the original good that was to be accomplished and the base expanding upward with ever increasing layers of complexity. Unlike a regular pyramid whose size is limited by the size of the base, an upside down pyramid can grow exponentially.

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