I would be happy to see Ohio reverse the Medicaid expansion and keep a lid on the income tax, however, I am fairly sure that an increase in the population of Ohio or a Columbus airport expansion will NOT improve quality of life in Ohio. I would much rather see Ohio implement polices that keep and pull good people into the state (low taxes, excellent policing, etc), and deter and push out unproductive people (austere assistance programs and an overall conservative environment).

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Well, I'll take economic and population growth over the stagnation Ohio has endured for three decades. I don't know about you, but my quality of life would definitely be improved by having an airport that allows me to fly to all the places I go in one hop instead of having to spend time flying to another airport to make the connection to the place I want to go. Those connections have cost me lots of time and money, especially when delays and cancellations occur.

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Re: "the grossly ineffective JobsOhio"... is this entity associated with the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS) that has "lost" over $4 BILLION to "fraud" in recent years? This could have built one heck of an airport. (And is anybody looking for that missing money?)

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No, two separate entities that both waste money...

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