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In the not-to-distant-future, an endorsement from the ORP will mean something positive, if I and others like me have our way. For the aware and for the newly awake, it is a stunning realization to know that our state Republican Party is doesn't pick the best or most worthwhile candidate, but the one most likely to keep the money-train going.

It's my intention to put real Republicans, with morals and a value system back into the State Republican Party. Put another way, I and many like me are working toward getting to that "two-party system" we keep hearing about.

Ohio either ends the long line of "republicans" who are indistinguishable from Democrats - which has led us to a single-party system, which is NEVER good for The People. For example, Ohio's swamp has driven our government-run schools to 38th in the nation (while increasing costs & taxes and *softening* Academic Proficiency Standards) and allowed us to get to 4th in the nation for trafficking and among the worst for drugs, alcoholism, anxiety, depression, joblessness, etc. - or we continue on toward becoming the next California.

There is no other option.

In my book, closed primary is a key ingredient in this. Democrats have given Republicans many (most?) of our most recent spate of miscreants... at both the state and county levels.

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