Similar to Ed's comment, the first thing that came to mind reading your remarks on replacing Port Columbus was "I hope Matt can connect with Vivek; this would be an issue I think he would embrace"! Although, living 30 minutes from CVG, I'm not real crazy about the prospect of adding an hour and 15 minutes to my drive time to the nearest airport. Kentucky won't be closing down CVG but that's no reason a DIA-like airport in Columbus can't thrive and be a game-changer like it was for Denver.

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I hope that Vivek is reading these posts. You have a significant head-start on studying these issues and developing solid plans for reform. Without question, if he is serious about taking Ohio to the next level, he needs you on the ticket!

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You are too kind, Ed. I don't need to be on the ticket to help Vivek get things done. Happy to help him in whatever capacity he needs so long as he is pushing a Reaganesque bold colors agenda for Ohio and not more of the same stale ideas that haven't worked. He has a real chance to change the trajectory of Ohio's future. Let's hope he seizes it.

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