The Charts and Pictures That Show Why Joe Biden Is In Deep, Deep Trouble
A truly talented politician may be able to recover, but Biden is in a hole he won’t be able to climb out of both due to the facts on the ground and his feeble condition.
On Saturday, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article about the economy that contained two fascinating charts on the change in household net worth since the start of the presidencies of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The first chart reflected the nominal value that showed household net worth under Trump grew at twice the pace as it has under Biden. Even more damaging than that chart, however, was the chart showing the same data adjusted for inflation. That devastating chart showed that, as household net worth jumped 30% after inflation under Trump, household net worth under Biden after three years is barely above zero; meaning, when reflecting the impact of inflation, household net worth under Biden hasn’t moved much in three years. The second chart also shows that once Trump’s policies were replaced by Biden’s policies (i.e., it takes about year for that to happen after elections), household net worth under Biden has been mostly negative once the impact of his skyrocketing inflation is accounted for.
If you don’t understand why Biden is losing the presidential election to Trump, these chart shows why.
The next chart that damns the Biden economy is one showing the percentage change in the stock market for each president going back to George H.W. Bush. The chart shows that, EVEN AFTER THE ECONOMIC SHOCK OF THE PANDEMIC, Trump’s economy still created an environment in which the percentage change of the stock market hit nearly 60 percent. Trump’s economic policies resulted in the stock market regaining 100% of its decline due to the pandemic in less than a year. As for Biden’s term, the stock market is only up about 25 percent. If you discount the stock market gains of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to reflect that the former was based on a grossly inflated dotcom market that collapsed right after Clinton's term (and ended up in the lap of George W. Bush) and the latter occurred after the Great Recession at the end of Bush’s second term due to a massively inflated housing market, then Trump’s record is the best since the great Ronald Reagan.
If you don’t understand why Trump is beating Biden, this chart shows why.
Two pictures that also ran in the WSJ over the weekend show the craftiness of the Communist Chinese government. Specifically, the Chinese bought a ski chalet in Switzerland that just so happened to be across the road from an Air Force base that possessed F-35s, which is America’s most technically sophisticated weapon. The chalet provided spies with clear sight lines of the base so they could monitor and record the F-35s. Why would the Chinese do that other than in preparation for war over Taiwan? This discovery is precisely why states need to enact laws prohibiting Chinese nationals or corporations from buying assets in America.
Finally, as I wrote last week about how Marjorie Taylor Greene makes the Right look crazy, Peggy Noonan’s WSJ column (which has grown stale and far too anti-Trump for my tastes) on Saturday contained this excellent nugget from Noonan’s New Jersey friend “Dee” who attended the Trump 100,000 person rally in New Jersey.
Dee is right. The media always find the Right’s most obnoxious and wacky members to put front-and-center. It doesn’t just happen organically. If reluctant Dee gets what the media is doing to bias the public against the Right, then you can bet a silent majority of Americans get it, too. The JINO (Journalist In Name Only) gig is up:-)
So, when you see national polls showing Biden ahead by one or two points or up in one of the six swing states, don’t give those polls much thought. Too many Americans have lost ground during Biden’s term and no hateful, racialist rhetoric can change that fact. Plus, for a Democrat to win the Electoral College, they need to be up by more than 4% in national polls due to the skewed influence of sampled voters in California, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York. A truly talented politician may be able to recover, but Biden is in a hole he won’t be able to climb out of both due to the facts on the ground and his feeble condition.