
Ronald Reagan: Paint With Bold Colors, Not Pale Pastels

The Bryan Times: "Mayer Has Bold Ideas for Ohio."

As the video clip from last Thursday’s Summit County Lincoln Day Breakfast with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis states, I walked away from the event mad at how little Ohio’s Republican supermajority legislature and Republican Mike DeWine-Jon Husted Administration gets done for Ohioans (and the John Kasich-Mary Taylor Administration before that). If you aren’t mad, you should be. With less political power, Gov. DeSantis has pushed Florida to the top of the list of virtually all of the key rankings and has moved aggressively to protect girls, give power to parents, and end wokeness in Florida.

In the room last Thursday were a dozen state legislators, Secretary of State Frank Larose, and State Treasurer Robert Sprague. As Gov. DeSantis ran through his accomplishments in Florida, I wondered what these Establishment politicians were thinking knowing that they have the political power to equal or surpass what is getting done in Florida. Yet, they do nothing and remain silent as Ohio continues to be a laggard among the states in ranking-after-ranking.

Why don’t Secretary Larose and Secretary Sprague use their bully pulpits to push for the kinds of changes laid out in my detailed agenda? They sit on their hands as JobsOhio fails in its core mission. They lose their tongues when the DeWine-Husted Administration pushes for timid tweaks to school choice and the state income tax. They hide behind their jobs when it comes to protecting girls in the bathroom and on the sports pitch or in giving parents more say in what is happening in their kids’ schools. Where are Ohio’s leaders?

If you want to see true leadership, please come hear what I have to say at one of my speeches in the coming ten days.

Those who have come to hear me speak know that I am the Reagan candidate pushing “bold colors, not pale pastels.” As The Bryan Times says, “Mayer Has Bold Ideas for Ohio.” Ohio is on its knees after decades of poor leadership and stale policies that failed to move Ohio from the back of the pack to the front. As I say, if you want the status quo, the musical chair men who swap statewide offices every eight years and only paint with pale pastels like Jon Husted, Dave Yost, Larose, and Sprague will gladly take your vote. If, however, you believe like I do that Ohio needs bold ideas to reinvigorate our beloved state, then I’m your man.

Listen to my longer review of Gov. DeSantis’ remarks last week from my weekly spot on The Bruce Hooley Show (at the 10:00 mark).

I hope to see you at one of the above events in the next ten days. If you lead or belong to a group, please touch base to arrange a time when I can come speak to your group. The more Ohioans who hear my message, the bigger our movement gets, as the response of those who have heard about my plans has been fantastic so far.