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Left and Media Sycophants Show Their Ignorance with Fascism Slur

If they want to call us a name, they should stick with ones that are accurate.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “Fascism” as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition” (emphasis added). As anyone who knows the ideological spectrum, fascism is a close cousin to socialism and communism. All three ideologies (1) put the nation and belonging to a particular faction ahead of the individual; (2) push for centralized government by the elite (or, “master race”--aka smart, Anglo-Saxons--per Woodrow Wilson); and (3) try to control the economy, society, and speech.

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Knowing these facts makes the common slur thrown at the Right by the Left and their media sycophants all the more absurd. It, frankly, illustrates just how ignorant (can I say “stupid?”) they really are. The most recent example comes from the ever-dimwitted Joe Scarborough. Scarborough said:

Florida governor and 2024 hopeful Ron DeSantis said he like Donald Trump, he’d pardon some of the rioters from January 6 at the Capitol…Let me tell you something, the rotted corpse of what once was the Republican Party, it just keeps lurching forward zombie like. It’ll follow Donald Trump into whatever gutter he takes them on this eight-year march toward fascism. Not almost fascism, not something quite like fascism, but fascism itself.

You get that: fascism itself!!!!

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Last I checked, the vast majority of the Right favored the following ideas:

·      The Tenth Amendment, which originally reserved the bulk of powers over our lives to the states and the People therein, shouldn’t be an after-thought;

·      The federal government is the LAST place we want power to reside;

·      Power closest to the People is greatly preferred to power in government entities farther away from the People;

·      One-size fits all control by a centralized government in Washington, D.C., weakens America and stops the laboratories of competition from experimenting to see what policies work and what policies don’t work;

·      Centralized power means less democracy, not more, whereas, decentralized power means more democracy, not less;

·      We largely want to be left alone (i.e., laissez-faire) to do as we please with the lowest tax burden possible;

·      The Supreme Court’s job is to strictly interpret the Constitution and laws as written and not legislate from the bench or find rights not explicitly written in the Constitution;

·      If a power isn’t expressly written in the Constitution in Articles 1, 2 or 3, then that power is reserved to the states and the People;

·      We believe the Second Amendment is critical to ensuring all of our rights are respected; and

·      Political speech should be protected even when repugnant.

None of these ideas fit within the definition of fascism (or its cousins). The Left, however, unequivocally stands on exactly the opposite side on all of these concepts. Thus, depending on which strand the Left is pushing, they are the fascists, communists, or socialists.

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Wouldn’t it be nice if they just owned who they are instead of projecting such slurs onto the Right? If they want to call us a name, they should stick with ones that are accurate: conservative, libertarian, anti-federalists, localists, or some variation that means the opposite of what they are—per Merriam Webster, they are fascists.

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Listen to my interview on Bruce Hooley Show where we talked about the debt ceiling, FBI Director Christopher Wray's contempt of Congress, Ohio's poor showing on best places for families to live, and singing the National Anthem.

Watch my interview (at 31:00 mark) with OhioBrett on For God & Country where we talk about my bold color plans to Make Ohio Great Again.

Finally, in follow-up to my post last week “It Takes a Real Leader to Apologize When Wrong,” see the pictures below detailing how poorly Ohio fared in the total death rate per 100,000. Ohio came in 10th worst, so the massive negative impact of the DeWine-Husted shutdown to our businesses, kids’ educations, and mental health had a negative return; meaning, we not only didn’t see a death rate decrease justifying the severe shutdown, but still experienced more death than most other states.

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